Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Views on Chile's bicentennial year

The Chile’s Bicentennial year could be seen of different perspectives. One choice is talk about the more important events of this year like the earthquake, the miners rescue or the world cup of football on South Africa. These alternatives are boring because are casual events and this essay would be a simple description of acts and nothing more. So, my vision about “The Chile’s Bicentennial year” is beyond the actual facts, my perspective is about the meaning of meet “two hundred years”. ¿What mean meet two hundred year? Imagine you meeting two hundred years, maybe you would remember your past and would assess all this time. If I would have two hundred year, in this essay I would write about my life and not about the present year. So, I will try to talk to you about it, about “The Chile’s bicentennial year and their history to face the future”

Chile met two hundred years, and in this time, Chile suffered a lot of social changes. Today, the people don't think and they don't speak of the same form like the XIX century because before, Chile was an agrarian country and the people worked the earth, planting and harvesting food. Sometimes, the people of the XIX century helped to other people without receive money, because there was a community sence. On the other hand, today the people is more individualistic because the modern life require it to their development.

Other important topic is the poverty. In this bicentennial year, the poverty is lower than the past, it is because the country is richer than before and there is more job and money in the population. Although the poverty still exist, the number of poor people is really small.

In the sport, our country don’t have important successes. Maybe, the third place on the world cup of football and the gold medals in the olimpic games on 2004 are the more important sporting facts of our history, sincerely, these achievements are insufficient for a country with two hundred years.

Finally, I can say you than Chile is a great country because the people is hardworking and humble.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Home sweet home

'Plaza Italia, the place of national celebrations'
I have lived in 4 different places, three of them in houses and now in Santiago, I’m living in a flat. I have been living in a flat during four years and my experience has been really good. I don’t love my apartment, but I like stay there because I can study or celebrate quietly. I live in Santiago, near of Plaza Italia ‘the place of national celebrations’. Live in Plaza Italia is good because I’m near of all: underground, cinemas, supermarket, restaurants, pubs, discotheques, parks, etc., but I don’t have time to go to these places. Live in Plaza Italia will be perfect if the University would located there.

On the other hand, in the building where I live, I don’t know to my neighbors because almost I don’t see them. Actually, I’m living with one person, he is from Castro and study sociology like me, and we have to share some activities like cook, but clean is definitely the most complicated to do.

I like my home, but I would make some esthetics changes because inside is poor in colors, paintings and plants. My room, for example, it doesn’t have paintings and is disordered too, so is a disaster, but I’m felling good living there.

In the future, I would rather live in a beautiful and small house, I don’t matter the luxuries, but yes the quietly and the liberty to do my favorite activities like sleep, listen music, celebrate with friends or paint.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Literature and books

Well, from kid I never like to read books because a lot of them are really boring and I would prefer make other things like play soccer or make math exercises, so my experience reading books is really poor until my arrive to the University where my obligation was and is read books every day, but not literature’s books, but scientific books.

Read is a good habit because you can develop important cognitive skills like the understanding and the concentration. Read literature’s books is really amazing because you can have a pleasant moment knowing about other worlds and experiences.

I’m trying to remember my story with literature’s books and I only can say you about one, “Cien años de soledad”. I read this book three times, the first time I didn’t understand it because I was eleven years, but when I returned to read this book, I couldn’t stop. Gabriel García Márquez is the writer of “Cien años de soledad” and he was the skill to create a new world with fantastic characters: Aureliano, José Arcadio, Úrsula or Amaranta are some characters of their story and they are living on Macondo.

When I was kid I read the novel “El príncipe y el mendigo”, it is an interesting story about two brothers with different lives where they have the possibility to change their social situation and live new experiences, is a great story.

Read is an important habit because allow open your mind.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

American people and their sexual secrets.

The interpretation of "survey's results" are an important work of a Sociologist and now I will show you some data about the sexual life of American people, the information was given through the "National survey of American' sex lives".

Reading the article, I can say you than actually the American people are more adventurous in bed than before. It's because they are using a combination of five basic sexual acts (penile-vaginal intercourse, solo masturbation, mutual masturbation, oral sex and anal sex) . The 16% of women aged 18-24 said use four of the five basic techniques the last time they had sex : "The findings demostrate the enormous variability that occurs in the sexual repertoire" concludes Debby Herbenick of Indiana University's. The oral sex is being a common sexual act because the 88% of men aged 30-39 have done it on a woman, the 69% of them in the past year.

On the other hand, the masturbation is really massive in United States because between the 28% and 69% of men in each age seem masturbating during the last month. Other data say that the masturbation is the most common sex act among 14-24 years old. Finishing with this topic, the 50% of women among 18 and 49 years had done masturbation during the last ninety days.

Finally, the survey shows results about "the orgasm gap" ¿What is exactly this? Is the comparation, in percentages, between the real female orgasm from their experience and the perception of the men about the female orgasm. The results shows than the 64% of women said they had reached orgasm in their most recent "sexual event" and, on the other hand, the 85% of men report that their partner had done orgasm during their most recent encounter.

To finish the post, I have to give you the link where you can obtain more information about this topic:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My favourite movies and more...

First, I will write something about the best movies I have ever seen in my life like ‘The Godfather’, ‘Matrix’ or ‘The Secret in their Eyes’. I will say the reasons because I love these films.

The Godfather is an action movie where we can see the Italian mafia on United States in the first part of twenty century. In this film, I see the form than the mafia isn’t only an organized group of crime, but is a people’s group where the principal objective is protect and love the family where the crime only is one forms to obtain the happiness. On the other hand, Matrix is an action movie where we can see our future like society; it can see an apocalyptic future where the people are governed by machines and where the real life is on the virtual space because our bodies are utilized like machine’s food. Finally, I like ‘The secret in their Eyes’ because the story and the characters are really fantastic, you will never know what it will happen.

Like you can see, I like the movies because I can smile, cry, learn or to be scared being in my house or in the cinema. I go to the cinema once to month because the tickets are really expensive, so I prefer see films in my house, generally alone in my room through my computer.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A small trip for Santiago

There are a lot of people living in Santiago, maybe six or seven millions. The reasons of this concentration of persons are different, but an important reason is the economy because in this city there are a lot of stores and factures.

With this concentration are absolutely necessary the beautiful places like the Santa Lucía Hill, the San Cristóbal Hill, the Metropolitan Zoo, the Government Palace or the Armas Square. These are classic places to foreigner tourist.

In my opinion, the foreigner tourist should visit common places like de Armas Square or Santa Lucía Hill where they can found important part of our history. Maybe, these places are boring, but if the foreigner tourists want know something about us, they have go there.

I’m not from Santiago and my experience is small in this city, but I have favorite places like Bellavista Neighborhood and the National Stadium where a foreigner tourist can have good moments. My favorite bar in the Bellavista Neighborhood is called “La Casa en el Aire”.

Finally, my suggestion for a foreigner tourist in Santiago is visit those places where they can know something about Chile.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

University's life

Today, I'm going to talk you some things about my University’s life. First, I can tell you about the subjects where I learned more interesting things. If you don't know, I'm studying Sociology, this is my eighth semester and I did have a lot of subject in all this time, maybe forty and the more interesting subjects are really bit.

I don’t remember all matters, but I can tell you something about the past semester where I had only five subjects. The better, for my opinion, was Sociologic Theory III, I know that is bore speak about it, but I think if you want become a great sociologist, you will have to learn all their contents. I liked Workshop’s Investigation too; here I had the freedom to make anything, but following some instructions like the theory and methodology, this is great because I could to plan my own investigation with my knowledge.

The University not means only study; also there is a social life where you can share with your friends and schoolmates, this happen almost all days, and depend of place what we can do, because we can study, eat, play sports or celebrate. On the other hand, the Social Sciences Faculty had a lot of organizations where we can to take part, for me, the betters are the sports organizations because there I can share with people playing soccer, I love it.