Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Views on Chile's bicentennial year

The Chile’s Bicentennial year could be seen of different perspectives. One choice is talk about the more important events of this year like the earthquake, the miners rescue or the world cup of football on South Africa. These alternatives are boring because are casual events and this essay would be a simple description of acts and nothing more. So, my vision about “The Chile’s Bicentennial year” is beyond the actual facts, my perspective is about the meaning of meet “two hundred years”. ¿What mean meet two hundred year? Imagine you meeting two hundred years, maybe you would remember your past and would assess all this time. If I would have two hundred year, in this essay I would write about my life and not about the present year. So, I will try to talk to you about it, about “The Chile’s bicentennial year and their history to face the future”

Chile met two hundred years, and in this time, Chile suffered a lot of social changes. Today, the people don't think and they don't speak of the same form like the XIX century because before, Chile was an agrarian country and the people worked the earth, planting and harvesting food. Sometimes, the people of the XIX century helped to other people without receive money, because there was a community sence. On the other hand, today the people is more individualistic because the modern life require it to their development.

Other important topic is the poverty. In this bicentennial year, the poverty is lower than the past, it is because the country is richer than before and there is more job and money in the population. Although the poverty still exist, the number of poor people is really small.

In the sport, our country don’t have important successes. Maybe, the third place on the world cup of football and the gold medals in the olimpic games on 2004 are the more important sporting facts of our history, sincerely, these achievements are insufficient for a country with two hundred years.

Finally, I can say you than Chile is a great country because the people is hardworking and humble.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Home sweet home

'Plaza Italia, the place of national celebrations'
I have lived in 4 different places, three of them in houses and now in Santiago, I’m living in a flat. I have been living in a flat during four years and my experience has been really good. I don’t love my apartment, but I like stay there because I can study or celebrate quietly. I live in Santiago, near of Plaza Italia ‘the place of national celebrations’. Live in Plaza Italia is good because I’m near of all: underground, cinemas, supermarket, restaurants, pubs, discotheques, parks, etc., but I don’t have time to go to these places. Live in Plaza Italia will be perfect if the University would located there.

On the other hand, in the building where I live, I don’t know to my neighbors because almost I don’t see them. Actually, I’m living with one person, he is from Castro and study sociology like me, and we have to share some activities like cook, but clean is definitely the most complicated to do.

I like my home, but I would make some esthetics changes because inside is poor in colors, paintings and plants. My room, for example, it doesn’t have paintings and is disordered too, so is a disaster, but I’m felling good living there.

In the future, I would rather live in a beautiful and small house, I don’t matter the luxuries, but yes the quietly and the liberty to do my favorite activities like sleep, listen music, celebrate with friends or paint.